Wednesday, August 3, 2011

30 Weeks

Yesterday I had a 3-hour-Glucose tolerance test - I drank yucky glucose-infused-lemon-lime-flavored-water then got poked three times. I don't have gestational diabetes! BUT my midwife is suggesting I make some diet changes anyway :(  
NOT easy with prego cravings, let me tell you, but it will be good for the whole family I am sure!

{My cousin Aimee and Me - she is due a few days before me and also having a girl : ) }

Midwife says Jane is head down and measuring at about 32 weeks. I gained one pound in the last week. I feel abnormally huge. Healthwise I feel fantastic.

I put together a changing table for the little miss yesterday and tomorrow Justin and I have the day off - in which I plan to put back together the nursery that keeps turning into a storage room. Organization is not easy when you can't just go out and buy a ton of boxes and baskets for things (like I would like to do).

Justin and I are saving for a house! And looking for one as well. Our goal is to save 20% for a down-payment (which we expect to do by February of next year) and to find a place for around $50,000 that might need some fixing-up. It is lots of fun to look at homes and as much as I appreciate Justin's parents opening their home to us, I can't wait to have our own place again where Jane can grow up with Mom, Dad and Nemes :)

"The Lord is good to those, to those who wait on Him. Oh, I will be still and I will know that You are God."