Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 2: Living room toys/kid’s room

We decided, once Jane started crawling/pulling herself to the standing position, that all of our bottom shelves needed to be toys.  We thought it would prevent her pulling our every book from the shelf.  Now she just pulls every toy to the floor…along with her books that are there!  Anyway, each day Jane likes to bring out more and more toys from her room, so the shelves in our living room have become ridiculously cluttered with toys and books of all shapes and sizes.  I decided that I only want a few bigger toys and of course books on the shelves.  So, I consolidated what she had and returned all the others to her room.


Again, I forgot a before picture!  I will get better, I promise.

Second, the kids’ room became a pile of toys, clothes and non-sense after we returned from our weekend after Christmas.  All of their gifts were thrown on the floor with all of the clean, folded and unfolded laundry and cloth diapers.  I couldn’t even walk in there.  So, I set out to set things straight!  Plus, we got a free crib from a friend and I thought it would help the room seem more like Jane and Jack’s room if there were two beds…so that needed to be put up as well.

I put up the second bed, made a box of toys/blankets/stuffed animals to give away, hung up clothes and took down clothes that were too small, folded and put up diapers and clothes, and spelled out names with the alphabet tiles J.
Jane's side

The diaper ("dipe") station

Jack's side!

The toys/clothes/piggy bank closet
(which I need to add an updated picture of because it looks much better today)

Our half-broken dresser/bookshelf and adorable daughter, Jane.

You can't see from the picture, but Jack’s bed still has stuff in it – clothes that need to be put away mostly.  I decided I got enough done in one day and would be okay leaving that little bit!

Their room still seems really cluttered to me…but for now I don’t know what else to do.  Two kids who both need cribs in a tiny room is just asking for a cluttered feel.  I will let you know if I come up with a better plan and how I simplify their room, if I do.
*I actually have organized it even better since the pictures were taken...I will update you soon*

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